Coaching In Truth
Professional Speaking & Presentations
Seminars, Firesides, Business & Employee Trainings,
Social Events, Presentations, Receptions, Demonstrations...
Aaron Parker - CPC, BA, ELI-MP
~ iPEC Certified Professional Coach in:
Life, Executive Leadership, Relationships
~ Experienced Trainer, Coach, Mentor, and
Speaker; Skilled presenter/adviser
Centered in Life & Work Balance.
~ Diverse background in Business, Group,
In association with...
Cheryl McBride - LCSW
~ Private Practice specializing in
treating Mental Health, Anxiety,
Trauma, Depression, Eating Disorders.
~ Clinical Director, Co-Owner at Sunrise
Residential Treatment Center.
~ Master Crisis/Trauma Worker, Professional
Professionally Accredited, Trained, Experienced & Expert in
Centering in Truth | Mental Health & wellness | Fear vs Faith | Performance
Shame vs Guilt | Peace | Recognizing Anxiety / Panic / Depression
Recognizing inherent Self-Worth ... "Enoughness"
Decades of real-world experience. Use of Modern day modalities, vast knowledge base, personal empathy, advanced training / processes to create a relevant and easily comprehended platform of understanding.
Re-Center your Body / Mind / Spirit in Truth. Rediscover Hope in-and-for the future. Reignite your faith, purpose, and passion. Restore an Enlivened Perspective. Re-Enlighten a broken or shadowed heart.
These events bring about a myriad of emotions and ideas. It is common to experience laughter, tears, and even wonder throughout the presentational and interactive style utilized during events and training.